Chocolate-Dipped Frozen Bananas

Kids will love dipping bananas in melted chocolate and roll them in almonds to make this tasty frozen treat. If you are a coconut lover, you can roll them in coconut, instead of chopped almonds.You can use white chocolate too, for a more wintry or icy look.
  • 6 large ripe bananas, peeled and cut into thirds crosswise
  • 18 wooden popsicle sticks
  • 100 gr/3.5 oz dark chocolate
  • 150 gr/5.3 oz chopped almonds
-Let bananas in a fridge for one night.Peel them and cut into thirds crosswise.
—Melt the chocolate on steam, finely shred the almonds and place them in a different bowl.
-Insert a popsicle stick into each piece of banana. Each banana piece dip into the melted chocolate, then rolls into the bowl with chopped almonds.
-Place the bananas on the baking sheet and freeze until frozen, about 2 hours.
Good appetite!
